cultural map of Turkey |
The English word "Turkish" comes from the ancient Turkish word Türk , which can be used as an adjective or a proper noun. In Turkish, the name of the country is Türkiye.Which is founded after one of the biggest empire of the middle east, europe and africa; Ottoman Empire..May be because of this big empire the country has a really huge culture..Even now there are many diferent nations live together with their alive diferent cultures..I am going to just try to share some part of this huge culture, even if I want to explain all of this culture I cant do it on the internet :)) if you want to know that culture I can just say ' take it easy ' because it will take your years from your life.. So just try to learn something from my blog ha. !! That is the easiest way learn something..
old Ottoman house |
Housing styles in small towns and villages are determined by tradition, family structure, environment, local building materials, and income. There is considerable variety in external appearance by region.
Most homes are divided in a selamlîk (a public reception room) and a harem (private family quarters). In traditional households, male guests are confined to the selamlîk , where they converse with the male members of the household, while women stay in the harem . Many traditional homes also have an enclosed garden or courtyard where females can perform some of their domestic duties and chat with neighbors.
a religional festival during Ottoman Empire |
Ramazan Bayrami: Three-day festival when sweets are eaten to celebrate the end of the fast of Ramadan month. Also known as "Seker (sweets) Bayrami" since it's customary to offer candies to family members and friends that are visiting.
Kurban Bayrami: Four-day festival when sacrificial sheep are slaughtered and their meat distributed to the poor.
The dates of these religious festivals change according to the İslamic calender an thus occur 10-11 days (exact difference between Gregorian and Lunar calendars is 10 days and 21 hrs) earlier each year.
a turkish lady cook Gözleme |
turkish dessert: Baklava |
Turkey has a rich variety of cuisine that makes it worthwhile just to take a culinary tour of the country. You cannot identify one dominant Turkish food like the Italian pasta or the French sauce, but the Turks have perfected their cuisine to a fine craft that reflects their refinement of culture.
Turkey has a long repertoire of ancient recipes that were perfected by the chefs eager to please the Sultans. Turkish food is simple in presentation, its natural flavor not camouflaged by sauces; ever since the Ottomans passed laws to regulate freshness of food, leftovers are seldom found in Turkish homes.
It is said that travelers in Turkey, "come for the history but stay for the food". Make sure you carry home a Turkish food item like a Turkish Delight as a souvenir from Turkey.
Turkish Coffee |
Turkish coffee is
coffee prepared by boiling finely powdered roast coffee beans in a pot (
cezve), possibly with sugar, and serving it into a cup, where the dregs settle. The name describes the method of preparation, not the raw material; there is no special Turkish variety of the coffee bean.
CoffeeHouse culture was highly developed in the former Ottoman world, and this was the dominant style of preparation.
Turkish Delight |
Turkish delight or
lokum is a family of confection
based on a gel of starch and sugar. Premium varieties consist largely of chopped dates, pistachios and hazelnuts or walnuts bound by the gel; the cheapest are mostly gel, generally flavored with rosewater, mastic, or lemon. The confection is often packaged and eaten in small cubes dusted with icing sugar,copra, or powdered cream of Tartar, to prevent clinging. Other common types include such flavors as cinnamon and mint. In the production process, soapwort may be used as an emulsifying additive.
Ebru Art |
Turkish art refers to all works of visual art originating from the geographical area of what is present day Turkey since the arrival of the Turks in the Middle Ages.
a Turkish shadow play |
Karagöz & Hacivat is a Turkish shadow play taking its name from its main character Karagöz. The origin of the shadow plays is accepted as southeastern part of Asia around Java. Turkish traveler Evliya Çelebi says that the play was first performed at the Ottoman palaces in the late 14th century. Some others say that this play came into Anatolia after Yavuz Sultan Selim, who had conquered Egypt in 1517, had brought the shadow play artists to his court.
Ottoman Miniature or
Turkish miniature was an art form in the Ottoman Empire, which can be linked to the Persian Miniature tradition, as well as strong Chinese artistic influences. It was a part of the Ottoman Book Arts together with illimunation(
tezhip), calligraphy (
hat), marbling paper (
ebru) and bookbinding (
cilt). The words
taswir or
nakish were used to define this art in Ottoman language. The studios the artists worked in were called Nakkashane.
an Ottoman miniatur |
an Ottoman miniatur |
an Ottoman miniatur |
Turkish bath (
Hamam) is the Turkish variant of a steam bath
, distinguished by a focus on water, as opposed to ambient steam.A person taking a Turkish bath first relaxes in a room (known as the
warm room) that is heated by a continuous flow of hot, dry air allowing the bather to perspire freely. Bathers may then move to an even hotter room (known as the
hot room) before splashing themselves with cold water. After performing a full body wash and receiving a massage, bathers finally retire to the
cooling-room for a period of relaxation.
a turkish bath |
a turkish tradition wedding night |
an islamic tradition Sunnet |
turkeyyy..... I was there and I love turkish food..they are too delicious...